©MORPHtopia 2025

The Walking Concrete

Material research

“[N]othing is not the opposite of something; nothing is the absence of something, the empty place left by something. [...] In other words, nothing is the negative form of something without this something. Nothing is therefore not the opposite of something, but rather the opposite of something added to the absence of this something. Nothing is the addition of the opposite and absence of something. [...] The opposite of the universe is what the universe already is in, such that I consider it as something; it is its form, its negative. The absence of the universe, on the other hand, is not its form, but the form devoid of its thing, an objectless mould. Therefore, I have confounded form and absence, like someone who removes the mould of the sculpture of a woman’s body and confuses the impression with the very absence of the woman, or the carefully handled hollow of the mould with the disappearance of the model.

They would thus think, in one way or another, that what was completely around the woman’s body to mould it was the absence f the woman’s body. Now, specifically, what was around the woman’s body was a mould. The absence of the woman’s body is not the mould itself, but rather the withdrawal of the body from the mould. In fact, the mould remains the same as the body – either present or absent – and it points to an unaltered form. The clay-like mould is not the absence of the woman’s body, but its negative. When the casting took place, this negative existed at the same time as its positive and it subsisted when the body came out of its coating. Therefore, absence is not an object, but an event; it is not the form of the mould, but the event of having withdrawn the body from the mould.”

Tristan Garcia, Form and Object: A Treatise on Things (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014), 51.

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